U.S. Reveals Details Of Alleged 'Sonic' Attacks On Diplomats In Cuba
MISSION : Substantiating Defense Resources: The Fox 32 News publications notes that the " U.S. has encouraged its diplomats to report any strange physical sensations. " The Cuban Hearing Loss issue is now described as including "traumatic brain injury" with up to 19 affected as recent as this August. Some affected with permanent hearing loss. Reads like the victims were targeted at their homes also. http://abcnews.go.com/US/sonic-harassment-caused-traumatic-brain-injury-hearing-loss/story?id=49571957 http://www.fox32chicago.com/news/national/278457197-story http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/09/02/548128130/u-s-reveals-details-of-alleged-sonic-attacks-on-diplomats-in-cuba http://boingboing.net/.../u-s-embassy-employees-in-cuba.html One article notes that sounds above and below the human threshold of hearing potentially can cause permanent damage. Therefore, we need to be more critical and report our incidents while we have the momentum and suppor...